In 2015, we had the opportunity to launch our first international project which was very close to MENSPIRE as we raised with the community just over £10,000 for an orphanage in India. Sam and Josh had the privilege to go to visit the orphanage and meet the kids in person. Every year since we have made it our goal to consistently do international charity work.
Promoting and capturing our charity work on our social platforms led us to the connection of MENSPIRE and SPOT Charity. SPOT (Supporting The People Of Tomorrow) is a charity organisation which was founded in 2016. The concept behind SPOT is to give the less fortunate children, those that are malnourished, living in poor conditions with no parenting figure in their lives a glimpse into the life of the western world. What do we mean by this? It is SPOT’s goal to give these orphans state of the art accommodation and high level of education just as we have in the western world. This concept was brought to life and work had begun to make this happen in late 2016 when SPOT had invited out directors of MENSPIRE, Sam & Josh, to The Smiling Coast Of Africa, The Gambia. Along with other invites, MENSPIRE had travelled over to The Gambia after collecting donations from the local community and online to help start work on the SPOT ACADEMY. A place that is built for orphans of Gambia that have no sense of direction in life. In aim to take the orphans on board and mould them into leaders, into men that have a goal of what they want to achieve in life and attain all the life skills and technical skills that are needed for them to achieve these goals.
After going out to Gambia in late 2016 to physically help building the orphanage, work had carried on and MENSPIRE were again invited out to The Gambia in the early months of 2018, when the orphanage had been fully built. Director, Sam, paid a visit to the completed orphanage which at the time had on board twelve orphans who have had their lives changed by the SPOT ACADEMY.
Following on from Sam’s trip out to the SPOT Academy in early 2018, we were later invited again by SPOT but this time an invitation for the MENSPIRE Team. This was an amazing opportunity thanks to SPOT to give the employees of MENSPIRE as well as the directors a grounding first hand experience of the progression of our project and where all the money we had raised was going towards.
November 2018 quickly came upon us and after collecting donations across our entire MENSPIRE Roster, nine members of the team made ways to The Gambia. With plans in place for our activities over our time there, everything went as smooth as can be. Starting the trip off by visiting the average orphanage already built in The Gambia to give us an insight into how they are run and how the children in these orphanages are treated. We arrived as a team with food, toys and clothes for the orphans of which they were deeply appreciative. The reactions were incredibly heart-warming to see how much these items meant to these kids; items that we take for granted in the western world. However, witnessing the state that these children live in was indescribable. The conditions in which they live, the clothes they are wearing and general cleanliness was unbearable to see for us as more privileged individuals.
After leaving this orphanage, we had an idea of how already built organisations in The Gambia are. We then made ways to the SPOT ACADEMY which was not far from the orphanage we had already visited. We knew that the SPOT ACADEMY would impress us in comparison the orphanage we had already been to however we didn’t expect it to wow us quite like it did. We were speechless. After witnessing the progress for two years, raising funds for this cause and then finally being able to see the project built up, it was truly amazing. The group of seventeen children, all in their matching uniforms greeted us with perfect manners and enthusiasm. The staff of the orphanage made us feel incredibly welcomed and quickly got us settled. After giving us a full tour of the entire academy, from the SPOT Kitchen, to the area the children sleep in to the classrooms where the kids are educated. Everything was built and kept to such a high standard, standard that we are used to in the western world but is rare in the lands of Africa. We started the activities off right away after setting up our cutting area, we began to trim all the staff and children of the SPOT Academy. It was amazing for the MENSPIRE Staff to cut the hair of these deeply appreciative orphans in the scorching sun of Gambia. The reward of making all these children that have way less than us, that are not as fortunate as we are, smile and happy was an overwhelming feeling of joy. After lacing all the staff and children, some SPOT Staff and children and MENSPIRE Representatives were interviewed by a National Gambian News Channel which was covering the whole SPOT Project and the visit from MENSPIRE. We then gathered together in the SPOT Canteen where we all sat and ate lunch cooked freshly by SPOT Academy’s very own chef, it was delicious!
After lunch, it was time for the moment all the kids were looking forward to, the SPOT vs MENSPIRE Football Match to be played on the newly surfaced SPOT Academy Football Pitch! The kids all came out in their full football gear, we didn’t quite know what to expect! The energy of these kids was unmatchable! We began to play and right away the SPOT Team struck the MENSPIRE Team hard. After dominating the game in the 35 degree sun of Gambia; the SPOT Team were victorious against MENSPIRE! It was phenomenal to see just how happy these orphans are. The disciplined and regimented systems put in place in the SPOT Academy is shown through the respect and manners of the children. Firstly witnessing how an already built orphanage in Gambia is and then witnessing the SPOT Academy, there was an evident contrast in the way things are run. The SPOT Academy portrayed a whole new level of orphanages in The Gambia and set the bar for future organisations of the similar type in the world in general. The state of the art accommodation and education that is built for the kids is now a blueprint for anyone that ever wishes to carry out similar work in less economically developed countries experiencing poverty.
It was a real honour to have the opportunity to visit the SPOT Project and it really meant a lot to every single one of the MENSPIRE Team to finally see the progress of a project we have been fundraising for in real life. We can’t wait to get back out there! We will continue to stand side by side with SPOT and continue raising funds for this incredible project.
Start a Career in Barbering
Have you ever considered becoming a Barber? Perhaps you know someone who you think would make a great Barber, If so then you should certainly send them this blog. Whether you are a school leaver or looking for a career change, choosing a career in Barbering could be the best thing you ever do. Firstly being a Barber is a great job due to the hands on nature of the job. You do not need to have any academic qualifications from school and if you feel you have more creative abilities then barbering could be for you. The career paths are plentiful and the opportunities may go beyond your expectations.
What Can I Expect From This Industry?
Now I could just sugarcoat every inch of the industry and tell you how great it is, but I think it is important to also be honest about the realities for anyone considering stepping into the industry. Being a Barber requires a lot of hard work. You may have to be on your feet for long hours and work weekends and it will take time to build a busy clientele. Despite the sometimes demanding nature of the job you will very rarely find a barber that does not enjoy their job. Being able to wear the clothes you choose and express yourself in the work you do can feel like you are not just doing a ‘job’ but being paid to do something you enjoy.
I Feel like I Should Have Become a Barber Years Ago
Many people are now choosing to change their careers. Are you in a job that you do not enjoy? Maybe Barbering has crossed your mind in the past. It is never too late to leap into the industry and at MENSPIRE Academy our Beginners course can teach you the fundamental principles of cutting hair in as little as 12 weeks. With hair always growing and more men becoming conscious of their appearance, the industry has grown more and more in recent years meaning that shop owners are constantly on the hunt for good barbers. With ample job opportunities available, getting a job secured after training will take no time.
Jumping Ship Feels Like a Risk
If you are worried about making back that initial investment in your education then fear not. The truth is there is a lot of potential to earn good money. The more experience you gain and the bigger the clientele you build, the more money you can make. Cutting hair can be very kind to your bank balance and with opportunities to run your own business the future is in your hands.
The World Really Is Your Oyster
The need for haircuts is a need that spans the entire globe meaning that once you have the skills, you can take your clippers anywhere in the world. You can travel, work and make money wherever you desire.
Make a Difference
The most enjoyable part of Barbering is simply giving people good haircuts and making them look and feel great. You will meet people everyday from all walks of life. Many of the people that sit in your chair can become not just clients but long term friends. You can positively change the way someone feels through a haircut, This is often the most rewarding part of the job.
Career Paths & Opportunities
In recent years the Barbering/ Men’s Hairdressing industry has evolved a huge amount. Due to the rise of social media many barbers have taken to platforms such as Instagram to share their work and build their portfolios. This has grown the industry and really created a community. The standards in Hair Education have improved making the opportunities available greater than ever before. From opportunities in business such as owning your own shop/shops to creative roles as a platform artist or educator, the career paths that are available to you are endless.
Choose Barbering Now
If you think you have what is takes then start your journey now. If you are in a job that you don’t enjoy then don’t delay choose barbering now. If you are a school leaver there is no better start to life in the world of work. And if you know someone that you think has the attributes required then send them this blog.
Thanks for reading. If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to send me an email. seanmoorehair@hotmail.com
For more information on the courses that we provide for beginners as well as professionals then you can send an enquiry to education@menspire.co.uk
INSTAGRAM @seanmoorehair @menspireacademy
I'm proud to be an educator at MENSPIRE Academy
My name is Sean Moore and I’m proud to be an educator at the MENSPIRE Academy. My experience teaching beginners started 6 years ago when I first qualified as a stylist. I jumped at the opportunity to build my experience in education by taking on the role of teaching apprentices in my salon. I think for any new stylist stepping onto the shop floor, the best way to ensure you do not start to pick up bad habits is by teaching the next flow coming through. This was a role I continued to do for the next 3 years and I am proud of the individuals that I worked closely with who have become great salon stylists.
The next opportunity I was fortunate to have taken was working in an apprentice academy for a leading hairdressing company in Camden Town, teaching classes of up to 15 apprentices at a time. It was here that I learned the most about the structural and administrative set up of NVQ qualifications. MENSPIRE Academy in collaboration with the Mens Hairdressing Federation we have been offering a City and Guilds NVQ 2 in Barbering to all beginner students. Something I love teaching.
Students are progressing well
So how far have our students come along since launching? Well I proud to say that the students are already showing great signs of progression. Days consist of live demonstrations from our educators, lectures, practical workshops and written exams. Units on fundamentals, sectioning, styling, layering and graduation have been covered. At this early stage students are showing they have a great understanding in the fundamental principles of men’s hairdressing. Under our guidance I’m excited to see the future is looking good for both them and the barbering industry.
Picking the right barbering beginners courses
With so many barbering beginner courses on the market ,and rightly so, due to the flow of people choosing to step into the industry, it can often be difficult to know where to start in choosing the course right for you. Whether you are a school leaver or perhaps considering a career change, barbering is a great industry to be involved in for so many reasons. The relaxed working atmosphere and the hands on nature of the job can be very attractive.
Our MENSPIRE Academy has famously seen professional barbers travel from all corners of the globe to enhance their skill set and now we have a fantastic opportunity to teach the MENSPIRE curriculum that we believe so passionately in to brand new barbers coming into the industry. Covering all aspects of modern day men’s hairdressing / barbering from layering, sectioning, graduation and styling to fading. For me this is a course that I am very excited to be leading, I find it incredibly rewarding to see how quickly we can develop students that have never picked up a pair of clippers.
Could barbering be right for you? If so, you can continue to watch the development of our students over the coming weeks on the @menspireacademy Instagram story and see if we could be the right fit for you.
Instagram - @seanmoorehair